-- 日本人類学会 --



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所蔵場所 請求記号 資料コード 資料区分 帯出区分 状態
書庫逐刊 469 /トオ/ 00203166152 雑誌 貸出可 利用可 iLisvirtual


雑誌名 人類学雑誌
巻号年月日 20071200
巻数 115(3)
刊行頻度 季刊
大きさ 28cm
雑誌記事 Ecological correlations between neurocranial and limb bone measurements: toward the solution of the brachycephalization problem Yuji Mizoguchi. Geographical and temporal variation in facial flatness in the crania of eastern Japan Yoshinori Kawakubo. Postcranial bones of infant Nacholapithecus: ontogeny and positional behavioral adaptation Masato Nakatsukasaほか. Preliminary geology and paleontology of new hominid-bearing pliocene localities in the central Afar region of Ethiopia Yohannes Haile-Selassieほか.
